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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Quick Baby Sewing Project: Car Seat Cover

Just wanted to pop in quickly to say hello and show off these super cute fabrics my sister in law Karen and I picked out for a car seat cover for the babe.

APT4-1- Candy Carnival Fabric

APT4-15- Pink Scroll Fabric

They are called Candy Carnival and Pink Scroll from Hobby Lobby.

It will be something like this:

source, also the link to this Car Seat Cover Tutorial

They didn't really have these with my first two girls, and I didn't get one with the last baby. So exciting to have all these pretty little things for baby girl and so grateful for all the crafty women in my family!

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Project Nursery: Design and Inspiration

We are expecting our 4th little one in about 3 months so I decided it was about time I started to get things ready! This is our last, or as my mom would say, "the caboose," so I am enjoying all things baby knowing this should be the last time. I can't wait to meet her! However, I am not looking forward to sleep deprivation and all that fun stuff that comes with a new one :) I just keep reminding myself to take it slow and enjoy it.

So here are the things I am decorating the nursery around. (The nursery is actually the spare room/office that I moved all the office stuff to one side and is now a nursery on the other side!) But it is a decent sized room so it works just fine.
The beginning point for this space is this fabric line by Sarah Jane called Children at Play for Michael Miller. This particular set of fabrics in that line is called "playhouse." You may recognize it from when I did the girls room a year ago. I bought one yard and made a few small things and incorporated the colors plus purple, yellow, and green into their room. Since then, however, we decided to put big girl into her own room and little boy moved in with sister. So the perfect cute scheme got all messed up since I did not want my son in a room with anything pink! Anyway, I just love this fabric and can't get enough so I decided to take it and expand further with it for the new little one.
My mom is a quilter and I told her my desire to have a quilt, possibly a pinwheel, made with this fabric. My kind mother has spent so much time and effort into locating all the 12 different fabrics, downloaded the pinwheel pattern, and ordering them all and will soon get started on making this quilt! I am so excited and can't wait to see the finished masterpiece.

Here is the quilt design.
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Here is one of the two pillows I made for the girls that is now in the nursery on the rocking chair. This particular fabric is called "On Parade." I bought one yard and made two small pillows, a lamp shade, and a wall canvas, which will all move to the nursery.(See below) (To see the girls room a year ago click on the "source" button underneath.)

I mod podged cut out shapes onto this lampshade on our vintage milk glass lamp.

My "faux canvas" I just hot glued on and hung it on the wall.

I found this one on pinterest- funny someone else had the same idea! And I love the idea of putting her name on it.
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I fell in love with this nursery when I saw it, from the colors, to the white window length curtains with a trim of bright color, to the tissue flower poms (poofs?) over the crib, to the sweet alphabet sampler. Perfection. My mom taught me how to cross stitch and I've had an idea in my head for a sampler for my children since I was a teenager- I think I better make it now before my babies are grown!
Sweet P's Nursery - Entrance

I love these banners/pendants/garlands we've seen everywhere for years now but have yet to make one for the kids spaces. (I made one for their dollhouse though!) I can't decided which would be cuter over the crib instead of a mobile- this or the poofs?
Tiny bunting over window

We have white crib bedding (cause I'm way practical like that!) that I still love and has lasted through the last three kiddos. Now that I know I'm having a girl and this is the last hurrah, I bought some Rit dye in fushia for the crib sheet. So we'll have a fun bright pink pop of color. Just for fun :)
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Sweet Jojo Designs Isabella Hot Pink Fitted Crib Sheet in Black / White

We have a white changing table like this with baskets with blue gingham liners for all the goodies we need on hand.
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I just scored three of these Pottery Barn Teen blue velvet drapes with blackout liners on ebay for a deal!
For my birthday I bought myself this coordinating Children at Play scrapbook paper. I just bought it 'cause I loved it but now that we are doing the nursery with this theme, I want to do some mod podge-ing on an old canvas I was going to throw away- the one that was in the chalkboard frame I just did.

Kind of something like this, but bigger.

So, there you have it! All the fun nursery ideas and projects that are swirling around in my head right now.
Isn't this baby girl so lucky? Actually, I'm the lucky one. :)