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Friday, October 30, 2009


(Dont know why my lips luge huge in this picture. Ugg)

Do you remember my recent hair dilemma? Well I finally took care of it. Nothing drastic. Just a few layers to take care of the frizz and dead stuff and add a little shape and fun. Plus, I started parting my hair on the other side. Have you ever done this? It's amazing how little things can make a difference.
Before I went under the scissors, I visited my favorite virtual makeover site at Mary Kay. It's way fun and the perfect way to try on different hairstyles. You can also try different hair colors, makeup, and accessories. You can try it here. I guess it's like my own personal Hairy Fairy after all!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. lol. gee thanks. Yes, I did find a look I liked and used it at the salon and my cut looks pretty similar.

  3. omg i just noticed the hair cut!! I love it! LOL I was distracted by those lips! ANd that color looks great great on you!


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