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Saturday, January 2, 2010

I CAN MAKE THAT: PB Chalkboard Platter

I received my new Pottery Barn catalog in the mail today, and upon browsing through I had another "I can make that!" moment. The crazy thing is, it would be SO easy and I cannot believe what they charge for this stuff! A set of 2 chalkboard platters for $99. Seriously?
Goodwill/garage sale: platter for a couple bucks, hardware store or Walmart for chalkboard paint. Paint it on yourself and VOILA!


  1. Hello again - What a cute blog! I love the platter idea... you're dead-on about doing it yourself. Hope you and your cute family will have a wonderful 2010!

  2. Completely agree with you - I just discovered chalkboard paint myself and am wanting to do everything in chalkboard - so cute and cheap :) Cute blog :)


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