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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kiss me, I just found out I'm Irish...and other random thoughts

  • My mom and grandma are really good at family history. My Grandma has RED hair. So does my brother, his kids, and really, of you look closely, probably each of us grandkids and great grandkids have a strand or two. But we never knew where it came from.Well about a month ago, they discovered a line that goes back to Ireland! Pretty cool. So now I can celebrate St. Patricks day with the best of 'em, right? Too bad I don't drink alcohol....
  • Leprechauns are pretty annoying. I know they not real. But my kids think they are and they pretty much havent been able to focus on anything today for to find the Leprechaun that is hiding in our house somewhere.
  • One St. Patty's day tradition I have with my girls is to paint our nails green and put green ribbons in our hair. It's fun being a girl!
  • And by the way, what does "Erin go braugh" mean anyway? Erin go braugh is a phonetic version of "Éirinn go brách," which in Irish (Gaelic) means "Ireland Forever." It was an Irish blessing used to express allegiance to Ireland.

What about you? What do you look forward to on this Leprechaun day?

1 comment:

  1. Aww big kisses to you the girls and john!
    LOL about leprechauns!! And YAY! I have a green bow in my hair too. Guess I need to bust out the nail polish now =)


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