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Thursday, April 28, 2011

I LOVE: a few good deals on fashion and beauty

Deal #1: How to get department store items for {practically} free. Do you ever get a Kohl's, JC Penny's, or other card/coupon in the mail for $10 off any purchase? If so, USE THEM! Go to the store with the goal in mind that your budget is $10! It may sound impossible, but you'd be surprised. It's like a treasure hunt of sorts. Know that you'll basically be going for small sale items or clearance racks only. Be creative and keep an open mind. Sometimes you'll walk away with 2 or 3 fun small items like a wooden letter, 4 oz. candle, and a canister of vinyl wall lettering (I once did at Kohl's!) Other times, you might not find anything fun, but get something that otherwise you need and it's more fun getting for free than spending money on (like a trash can, or kid's socks like I also did at Kohl's). My go-to fun item if you can't find anything else, is the clearance jewelry. Lots of fun stuff there.
Last week I got a JC Penny $10 off any $10 minimum purchase. TIP: at JC Penny you have to spend at least $10 before tax so I try to find something a little over $10. I got lucky and found a shirt in the JR's clearance section.
60 % off $26.oo for $10.40. Perfect.
After the coupon, I walked away after paying forty three cents! Woo-hoo!
Deal #2: drug-store/inexpensive brand cosmetics. Some cheap makeup is a good deal. Some of it isn't. I am a MAC fan, and after using the good stuff, you see the difference.
I have been wearing eyeliner every day probably since the age of 15 or 16. Just last year I was given a MAC cream eyeliner they call Fluidline. It is SO. great. It goes on easy and stays on all day. I am convinced it might just be the best.
While at Target recently, I saw that the e.l.f. brand (which stands for eyes lips face if you didn't know) has a new cream liner. So for $3, I thought I'd try it. And I was pleasantly surprised! It goes on good, it is softer than MAC so spreads a little thin sometimes so I have to apply thicker but overall, it does a pretty good job, especially for three bucks.
If you'd like to try it, I suggest ditching the brush it comes with, and with your 40% off coupon at Michael's or JoAnn, go to the painting section and buy a Loew-Cornell 797F-1 brush. It is a thin, flat, straight cut brush that does the trick beautifully and easily. TIP: a great way to apply makeup without having to spend a fortune on cosmetic brushes is to use paint brushes. Many are made with natural fibers and are good quality and much cheaper. There are tutorials and more information on websites like Classy Cosmetics (see my blog list) or on youtube.

Don't judge me. I decided to bite the bullet and post these self pics despite my premature wrinkles, dark under eye circles and sun damage. Yikes!

Deal #3: Great cheap jewelry {if you can't get it for free with a $10 off coupon!}. Have you heard of Forever21? It is a super trendy store at relatively cheap prices and {can} be lots of fun. However, be warned: if you are a mom like me, it can be absolutely horrifying going into that store. lol! I suggest going on a weekday morning when most of the youth {should} be in school and not with all your kids. And I'm really just talking about the accessories, here. They have stylish, fun jewelry and a very good variety, for cheap. One of my favorite necklaces came from their dollar section. That's right. Sometimes they have great stuff for ONE DOLLAR each.
I have been looking for something special to wear for a certain important occasion coming up. I was bummed to see they didnt have a dollar section right now. However, I found this fancy schmancy for a total including tax of three dollars and three cents. Not bad. And wow, does it make a statement! TIP: if you are shy about statement jewelry, there are lots that have faux diamonds or pearls, or gold or silver, or clear crystals or beads, that are neutral and can go with lots of things and will serve you for years to come. Or if not, you dont have to stress about it, 'cause you got it for a GOOD DEAL!

What good deals have you gotten lately?

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