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Friday, July 8, 2011

One of the best gifts.

Not too long ago, a precious person to me gave me an unexpected gift.

I've always dabbled here and there in the arts. I took an art class in high school which I loved, and did a few watercolors. After high school, I've always wanted to take a watercolor class, but it just never was a "priority." I still mention it to my husband from time to time when the community college mails out its brochure every fall.
And then I was given this very thoughtful gift and I am more excited than ever. I even got a mini "class" with my new set:

I know I am not very good. And I'm even embarrassed to show you, but here is a little watercolor I completed using several techniques from the mini class.
I know I have a lot to learn! But more importantly, is the excitement this has instilled within me and a desire to reach beyond myself as I am now and continue to learn and educate myself. What a fantastic gift.

Please forgive the following personal thoughts.
I've been feeling kind of badly lately, thinking about what I "do", etc , etc.
Thinking about my new watercolor set and my desires, brought me to find a wonderful article. And now I feel a little better. But even more, it has contributed to a better understanding of my purpose and direction. And I feel so blessed to be able to "become."

The meaning of education is often assumed to be somehow related to “going to school” or learning as an external experience, related only to acquiring knowledge or skills helpful toward work productivity in society.

Considered in its broadest sense, education may occur at school, at home, with family, at church, or even with an enlightening thought in a moment of solitude. Education is more than learning. It is a complex interactive teaching and learning process.

Perhaps this is not “education” as it is traditionally defined. What we are calling “education,” one may call enrichment, fulfillment, vision, teaching, learning, or a number of other words. Indeed, education encompasses all of these.

Obviously, this view of education is idealistic. But let us not be afraid to dream of the ideal, for “as [we] dream, so shall [we] become. [Our] vision is the promise of what [we] shall one day be; [our] ideal is the prophecy of what [we] shall at last unveil.” 1 The educated woman is within each one of us, awaiting discovery. Thus, education is a beautiful, progressive process of “becoming.”

However a woman chooses to involve herself, it is the dynamic process of “becoming” in education that is desirable; and excellence in that education is the loftiest goal. There are a few precious people in the lives of each of us who refuse to accept less than the best of themselves, their peers, their students, or their children; not in a demanding, oppressive way, but in a stimulating, exciting manner that makes each of us want to reach a bit higher in all our worthy pursuits toward excellence.

-from The Educated Woman Within Us by Elaine Shaw Sorensen

Thank you for my gift, and for refusing to accept less than the best in a stimulating exciting manner that makes me want to reach a bit higher in all my worthy pursuits toward excellence.


  1. very cool gift, I love your work and excellent thought provoking post love it. Although I tend to have lots of 'fun' in my life and enjoy celebrating life everyday I am most happy when I am creating. Be it writing, crafting, or trying something new it's what drives me. LOVE it!

  2. Hi Rebecca, Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post about the Royals! It was pretty cool. Your painting is soo cute! Much better than I could do. Mine would look like my five year old did it. Actually, no. That'd be an insult to her. She is a fantastic little artist already. : ) Have a great week and stop by again! ~ Catie

  3. I think ur onto something here! Paint away n reflect the talents that r abundant in u!! It's been a long row to hoe n there seriously NEED to be some enjoyable moments along the path!!


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