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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Decor 2012 {part 2}

Welcome back!
Moving on through the living room is my awesome Pottery Barn mantle shelf that I got at a garage sale for 5 bucks!!! I've had this for 2 years and I finally got to hang it. I had originally bought it to go in baby boy's room, but now that I have no fireplace = no mantle, we hung our own! This I just threw together with the decorations. I wish I had a cute boxwood garland or something but I just threw up the rest of my Goodwill nests instead and we'll call it good. I poured a bunch of pale colored plastic eggs I had on hand into one of my glass hurricanes and finally quickly painted my PB look-alike terra cotta bunny which I blogged about earlier this week. The little chickies are vintage and were passed down to me.
Moving onto the kitchen is my china hutch. I have a plate for each holiday that I display. And here is also my deal of the month with my Pottery Barn Kids Easter glitter garland that just came in the mail - $3.75 total including shipping and tax! Go get yourself one if there's any left! I really wanted to make one myself (it would be so easy but time consuming with tracing shapes, cutting, glittering and sewing) but since I just moved and had no time and it was so cheap, I went ahead and bought that one thing this year.
That's the Easter Decor tour! I hope you enjoyed it and more importantly, enjoy your Easter holiday.
- Rebecca

1 comment:

  1. Looks like home sweet home!!
    Glad to c the bunny made it for the season!!
    Loved the tour! :)
    Happy Easter to u guys!
    Pls send pics of the kids and their baskets and treats tomorrow (Sunday)


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