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Monday, October 22, 2012

A tasty costume! {Felt KitKat Halloween Costume}

Karen had a request this year for a KitKat Costume.  She let that big idea simmer for a bit, ate some chocolate and snipped some felt and turned this little number out.

She found a picture on line and printed it out full size.

Then she split it into 4 pieces and enlarged it.

She taped it to a sunny window and traced it onto felt. She had bought about 1/3 yard cream felt and 1 yard red felt.

She snipped and zigzagged on the sewing machine. Done!


  1. Hello! I love this costume! My maiden name was similar to Kit kat, and I have always wanted to dress up as a Kit kat candy bar for Halloween. My husband and I have a costume party on the 1st of November and I have been looking all over for a Kit kat costume. I do not know how to sew and was wondering if I could purchase a costume similar to the one in your blog. Please help! Thanks! I can not find a Kit kat costume for purchase anywhere!

  2. Hello Kitc5, thanks for stopping by my blog. You could easily use this tutorial and substitute glue (elmer's glue, hot glue, fabric glue) for the sewing. Felt is so easy to work with, you can cut and glue it like you do paper. I hope that helps, have a Happy Halloween!

  3. Hi there, Super costume, my son has come home today and told me he wants to be a kit-kat for chocolate day at school, and although I'm not worlds greatest sewer I think I may have a go at this but with the glue!! This has been so helpful. Thank you so much.

    1. That's awesome Dawnie! I'm so glad you found our post and I hope it turns out great for you!


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