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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pinned and Tried: Thanksgiving Sugar Cone Cornucopia #PinterestFAIL

Here is a picture of the original "pin" of the sugar cone cornucopia:

Mini cornucopias made from sugar waffle cones. Fill with little tasty treats. How cute would these look filled with candy corn and pumpkins? Cute for each place setting at Thanksgiving and will keep the kids busy!

I was so excited to do this for my kids and nieces and nephews this Thanksgiving, I pictured our plate settings on the table with this cute little treat on the side....
(Sigh.) It never does quite turn out that way, does it?
I bought the candy and the cones all ready to do it. Aaaannnnddd........ it didn't work.
The first one sort of worked but only because I stuck it in boiling water before I steamed it so it was pliable. It was just luck because I could not for the life of me get the second one to bend at all. Even after I stuck it in water too (which you're not supposed to). Four hours later it is still soggy. So after the second one, I gave up.

I put the candy in a big bowl and put it on the counter while we were getting dinner ready and needless to say, judging by the empty bowl, everyone love the little treat, whether it was in a fancy cornucopia or not :)
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are now digesting in a wonderful way :) We're off to cut down our Christmas tree while tromping through the snow and listening to Christmas carols tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

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