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Sunday, September 14, 2014

DIY Wood Ruler Growth Chart (A Pottery Barn inspired no cost to me project!)

I have wanted one of these for awhile. Last week my 8 year old Ikea bed frame kinda fell apart (oops) so we had several large wood boards that we didn't want to throw away. My husband actually came up with the idea of repurposing one of them for the growth chart I've been wanting. Not only was it already the perfect size, but it was already stained. Woot! (They sell them for $100 here). This project was going to cost me $0! So I got to work.

I started by getting out a large ruler and figuring out where I wanted to mark the lines, how big to make them, and what font I wanted to use for my numbers.

I marked it every inch the entire length.

Then I drew a line with a sharpie about 1 inch long with every third line being 2 inches long and every foot mark 3 inches long.

For the numbers, I decided on one of my favorite fonts, Century Graphic in size 200. I printed and cut the numbers and used them as stencils, tracing onto the wood with a pencil, then filling in with the sharpie.


And then.... I hung it up! LOVE IT! Can't wait to measure and mark my kids' growth on it and keep it forever ;)

Have a GREAT week.


  1. I found your post through a google search and love how your growth chart turned out! How did you mount it on the wall? I am making one and don't want my toddler to pull it off the wall on top of her.

  2. Judy, that's a good question! The wood already had two holes in the back since it was from an old bed frame. But you could easy drill your own holes that don't go all the way through, or attach a large sawtooth hanger to the back.


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