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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

DIY Peacock Costume

This year for Halloween, my daughter requested a Peacock costume. I searched the internet and studied several I found on pinterest then went to work with 50 peacock feathers I bought from China on ebay for cheap and what materials I had on hand. Oh- and a big thank you to Grandma for providing the turquoise thermals from Target :)

Supplies: cardboard/box, felt, scissors, pen/sharpie, hot glue, feathers, ribbon, round templates (I used a bowl and a block), pajamas/thermals.

I made a bib necklace out of a green felt triangle using a small bowl for the collar shape and the round block for scallops tracing with a sharpie. The scallops are where the eye of the feather goes, I cut them from the rest of the feather stem and hot glued them into place. Then I did two more layers of felt in blue and purple underneath.

I cut a triangle from the cardboard and used a cup for a template for the scallop shape across the top. I laid out all the feathers from largest to smallest. I put the largest in the middle and each one slightly smaller moving out toward the sides, hot glueing in place. I did this on both sides. I made slits where the ribbon will go through to tie around her waist.

I glued green felt on both sides over the feathers and blue and purple felt scallops on top of that. I made a barrett layering green, blue, and purple felt in the shape of the eye. I used extra feather fluff from the ones I cut for the necklace and glued them around the edges of the felt. For the skirt I glued the tip of the feather stems on a strip of green felt then glued another strip on top of those. Then I glued it to a ribbon long enough to tie around her waist. The ribbon goes around her waist, then through the slits in the tail and then tied into a bow in the back. The necklace will either be tied around her neck with a ribbon glued to it or I will stitch it on the ends to the shirt. Her hair is going to be up and I am going to attempt some fancy makeup.

She's happy, I'm happy!  

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