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Sunday, November 16, 2014

November Teacher Appreciation Idea {Thanks for Sticking With Us!}

My requirements for this month were: use supplies I already had (I bought a ton of supplies at the back to school supplies sale in August at Walmart), and to make it "Thanksgiving-ish." This is what I came up with:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Burlap and Felt Thanksgiving Silhouette Banner (No Cost!)

This banner was inspired by three Thanksgiving decor items that I LOVED and I put them all into one. 

This pennant, these silhouettes, and a banner very similar to this one that my mom made when I was little.

This project cost me no money as I used what I had on hand (woot!)

Gather your supplies: Burlap, felt, silhouettes, hot glue, scissors, pencil, sharpie, ribbon, dowel.

I started by cutting the burlap into about a 8" strip and making sure it would hang straight. Then I took my {pilgrim boy silhouette} and traced it twice onto paper, then erasing and drawing to create a pilgrim girl and an Native American boy. Then I drew the turkey in the correct size. Looking at the pennant and silhouettes I mentioned above helped.

Using a silver sharpie, I traced the silhouettes onto the black felt. To cut, I used small sharp Fiskars make sure I got crisp details.

I spaced them out on the burlap to decide where I wanted them to go and then hot glued them down. I had to put paper underneath the burlap because the glue would squish through and then I just tore the paper off the back gently. You can't see where the paper stuck.

I pulled two lines of strings from either side of the burlap for my finished edge. I glued ribbon to the top back edges for hanging and then glued a dowel that I cut to size. The dowel keeps the banner from folding in half from the weight. (You can see cardboard under the towel which I tried first but it wasnt strong enough).

Then, hang it up and enjoy!

I LOVE how it turned out!
Have a great weekend, it's starting to get really cold here but no snow yet!

~ Rebecca

Monday, November 10, 2014

DIY $2 Engineer Art Print and a little Thanksgiving Decor Preview

Wow. Is that really the date today? It was JUST Halloween and now it's November 10th. That means we could be putting up a Christmas tree in 3 weeks!!!

Today's project I'm sharing is my first engineer print. You've probably seen these all over. They're great because you can print whatever you want - art, printables, photos, etc - in a large poster size for just a few bucks! 

There's this great online shop that has cute printable paper goods. It is called {Caravan Shoppe}, and some of their prints are even free, like this one I did. So with a free download and an engineer print from Staples, you can get really cute art for your home for CHEAP!

To make this is really easy. I went to the Shoppe, found the print I wanted, added it to my cart and checked out. They then send the download to your email with instructions on how to download, print it, and save it to your computer. 

After I did this, I went to Staples.com, found the engineer prints, selected the size I wanted for $2, uploaded it and bought it. DONE!

I already had this frame and I just put it right in and it looks so cute in our living room. 

Sorry for the weird angle, it was the only way to get it without a ton of glare and reflection. And you can see a little bit of Thanksgiving Decor also:

Have a great Fall-filled week!

~ Rebecca

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Friday Four Roundup #14

I'm glad it's almost the weekend and that the election is over! Now I can decorate for Thanksgiving and look forward to one of my favorite holidays!

Here are a few of my favorite pins this week:

1: Such a cute idea for a friend gift or even teacher appreciation {source}.

2. I came across this {Christmas home featured in Midwest Living Magazine} I fell in love with and then spent more time than I care to admit checking out the rest of her blog and her beautiful home. I just love this view of her living room and those pillows {source}.

3. I am hoping to get to {this project} soon, I am thinking of using red fabric ribbon to make some pretty Christmas bows this year. I really need to up my game when it comes to wrapping presents, by the time I get to it I am too tired to make them look pretty. I want to change that this year.

4. And a lovely little quote that is a fabulous reminder to count my blessings :)

~ Rebecca

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Election Party

Last night we had an election party with some friends. We decorated with a patriotic/fall theme and everyone brought a treat to share. 

I made cupcakes:

I also made Crockpot Hot Chocolate, recipe found HERE, it was yummy and almost gone at the end of the night!

I also made these delish Coconut cookies, recipe found HERE.

And the best news: The election results were in our favor!!! YAY!!!

Have a great week!