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Thursday, August 25, 2016

A New Chalkboard Story.

At the beginning of this Summer, I was strolling through Hobby Lobby and saw and fell in love with this chalkboard. It was on clearance for $40, 50% off the original $80 price tag. I walked away thinking I would love to have that chalkboard, but $40 was more than I wanted to spend. I kept thinking about it and seriously considered it. Then life got busy and I kind of forgot about it. Then one day on instagram I saw someone post about this same chalkboard and how they had just bought it for about $20. My heart started racing and I knew I had to go to Hobby Lobby first thing in the morning in hopes that they still had them. Not only did they still have them, but my store had them marked down to $16! I was so excited and rushed it to the front counter so fast, the ladies who worked there were laughing with me. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to get my new treasure home and hang it up where my old homemade-beaten down-falling off the wall- one was.
Why do I love my chalkboard so much, you may ask? A chalkboard is like the magazine version of books. I don't have much extra time to sit and read an entire book, but I can find a few minutes here and there to scan a magazine or read one short article at a time. Likewise, I love to art and craft, but I don't often have time to create a masterpiece or do big projects. Although I would love to pull out all my sketching and watercolor supplies more often, it just doesn't happen right now. But I do have a few minutes here and there to try my hand at some old fashioned hand writing or art on the chalkboard. And it's fun to change with the seasons and becomes part of the decor.
So there you have it. The story behind my new chalkboard and the reason why I love it so much. It's probably not a big deal to most people. But it's a little thing that brings me joy :)

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