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Friday, August 8, 2014

The Friday Four Roundup {4}

1. We cheated and made our fall favorite, pumpkin bread. Yes, I know it is still a good month until Autumn begins. We made some "Pumpkin Pie" Croc pot oatmeal from a recipe I got off pinterest (that was disgusting by the way #pinterestFAIL) but it left us with a half can of pumpkin puree so what's a girl to do? My daughter had the cute idea of using their little metal loaf pan from their play set of dishes so they could have thier own little loaf. And we still had enough for two big loaves. YUM and I'm almost ready for fall :)

2. We are getting ready to go on a road trip. There are tons of great ideas on pinterest for helping everyone survive. I found some {here}.

3. The road trip is so we can go do a family reunion. Fun times! Here is a great article with some helpful ideas on building unity in family reunions {here}.

4. Take a look at this cuteness I created! (the tie, not the boy, although he's pretty dang cute too.) Tutorial to come...

Have a fabulous weekend! ~ Rebecca

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