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Sunday, August 3, 2014

DIY Grainsack Style Stripe Pillows

Remember the sneak peak I gave you of my latest project {here}?

Welp, here it is in full. I love these cushion covers, but they just needed that little extra something. You know? I started with my washed and dried six dollar H&M cotton canvas cushion covers {here}(say THAT five times fast!), some painter's tape, a paint brush, tons of plastic grocery bags, and my leftover paint from my coffee table project {here}.

I simply folded the cushion covers in half vertically and hand pressed them to find the middle and make a crease. I put plastic grocery bags inside the covers and in between them and the table for protection in case the paint went through. Then I put a strip of tape down the middle, left a space half the width of the tape on either side, and then put another strip of tape, pressing down well each time along the edges to make sure the paint didn't spread. Then I just dipped my brush in the paint and went to town.

I did two coats, one right after another, to make sure it was a nice thick coat. I tried to take a picture (below) to show you the double coat on the left versus the single coat on the right.

Next was the fun part: removing the tape! Make sure to do this while it's still wet.

(Bags inside the cushion cover).

I let them dry for a couple hours. (As you can see I just washed them and didn't bother ironing them, once I out them on the pillows, they smooth out pretty well.)

And the finished product!

(...Aaaand a boring picture of the other couch....)

And my picture-taking began disrupting my sons play with Spiderman, so...

Here is a final before and after as a reminder of what they looked like before and how much better they are now; Boring brown pillow covers


So pleased with this no-cost-to-me project!

Have a great week!

Linked to: http://thriftydecorchick.blogspot.com/2014/08/august-before-and-after.html

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