I'm back! I hope you are enjoying a great summer. We're all settled in, the kids go back to school today, and it's time to share my first project in my new home!
I am on a mission to do crafts for the next year with only stuff I already have, spending little or no money. So here we go.......!
I wanted a new wreath for my front door. Since we are planning on being here for just a year, I have reluctantly left most of my decor things in boxes. I decided to use some lovely hydrangea stems that would otherwise just be sitting in a box. They are one of my favorite flowers and they are perfect for welcoming friends at the front door!
For this project you will need:
- faux flowers
- cardboard piece 12" wide
- wire, ribbon, or other device you have for hanging
- hot glue gun
- pen or pencil for tracing/drawing circle
- scissors
I got all the crafty stuff together and laid it out. I found a large circle tupperware lid type thingy to trace onto the cardboard. It is about 12" wide. Then I drew by hand an inner circle and cut it out.
Then I took apart the flowers and leaves from the stems. Arrange the flowers around the circle base to get an idea of where you want them. Pile the leaves by size.
Start with the biggest leaves first and lay them evenly over the circle base. I just eyed it, not caring to be a perfectionist about this one. I turned them slightly. Glue down.
Then I had an idea of where the top center was so I wrapped some floral wire around the circle base for my "hook." I hot glued it on the back side for extra durability.
Then I continued the pattern with the next biggest leaves, then the next, until the base was covered. Then my camera stopped working (ha!) but I'm sure you can figure out how to get the flowers on. I had five bunches and laid them out evenly so they were barely touching and glued down.
Then, the fun part: gracing my front door with my new wreath! What a nice housewarming gift to myself :)
And the best part: it cost me ZERO DOLLARS! I was pretty proud of my cardboard wreath base invention! No more trips to the store for wreaths, I can just make one up myself! Score!

What do you think? I hope you enjoy my new wreath. Welcome to my new home.
~ Rebecca
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