BEFOREI was SO BUSY yesterday getting this all done! It felt so good to ACCOMPLISH something ~ my energy and spirits have not been what they used to be during this pregnancy, especially since I am ALMOST DUE!
FIRST: A look at the girl's room above: before
AFTERThank you to my mom who really made this possible - she helped me quilt and finish the top bedspread so they had matching ones. It really helped complete the room!
And (drumroll please...!) here are the before and after pics of the Nursery:

My first homemade sheet! I used the tutorial I found from
HERE. The only thing I did differently was instead of doing elastic all the way around was just doing it on the short ends and it worked beautifully and saved alot of time and elastic. I bought this cowboy material off ebay for a couple dollars less than the cheap crib sheets cost at Target. It really only took about a half hour and it was totally worth it because you can't find this crib sheet anywhere else, and besides, look how CUTE it is!!

I had 4 extra 8"x8" squares from the sheet so I decided to whip up a matching pillow which I will need for all that rocking chair sitting. I used a pocket from a pair of daddy's old jeans and flannels that I had in my scrap pile. Gotta love it!

The final results!!!
The bumper, ruffle, boppy, chair, and dresser are from the last babes. The blanket was made by a friend. The awesome like new diaper bag with a million pockets was from a garage sale for a couple bucks. The changing pad and cover was a gift from my mom. The baskets were also from a garage sale- $5 for the set.

How adorable are these Cowboy BOOTies!?!
$1 at a garage sale

I LOVE how this room all came together. It was so easy because I have just been sort of collecting things over the years and I love red, white, and blue.
The frame was $1 garage sale. The stars used to be in my living room- both bought on clearance. The framed and matted pictures of Jesus were free from a stuff swap. The little punched tin horse hook used to hang in my mom's kitchen.

This was a sweet gift from my BFF's mom. Had to have a "bear rug" from Restoration Hardware baby. (Much cuter and softer than the real thing!) It will be great for baby pics!

That middle frame will be filled with baby's picture and announcement.

This rocking chair was a wedding gift from my husband's grandparents. I hand stenciled the 'W" monogram. We will have this thing forever, I love it. Spent many a night rocking sweet babies in this chair.

What do you think?! I hope you love it as much as we all do!
I feel like this is my final "hurrah" before the baby comes, and will probably be one of my last posts, at least for a long while. It has been fun, but I am looking forward to committing my time to even more important things: my family. (AND trying to get some sleep whenever I can AND trying to stay sane......)
Enjoy the eye candy and wish me luck!!!
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