Browsing through my September 2010 Architectural Digest Magazine the other day, I was inspired by this advertisment by Baker Furniture:
"The art of things chosen well rather than often." Amen. Some of these bloggers spend so much time filling up their houses with STUFF and doing projects just to spend money and busy themselves. That's not what good design is all about! Step back and take a look at the big picture and stop worrying about filling your space with more stuff and "creativity." Just create a nice home with things that are tasteful and have real meaning to you. Sometimes it takes years to achieve what you have always wanted, and often it is done in layers. Another favorite design quote of mine, and in a way a design principle for me is:
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."~William Morris
Have any favorite quotes that inspire you?
I totally agree and that is something I have been trying to do with my closet as well as house. Quality not quantity!