Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to School Journal Writing

Have you ever wanted to do journal writing or keep records for your kids but have a hard time doing it? Here is an easy method. I bought journals for each of my children to write in. I found this list on the internet a couple years ago and typed it up really quick (thus the spelling errors-sorry!) and printed it out to keep in their journals. Right before school starts we sit down and I ask them the questions, and fill in the answers. My oldest can write her own answers. Then I reflect and write a little entry about them. My idea was to write several times a year, like at Christmas and birthdays as well. The kids love it and enjoy looking at what their answers were the year before and how much they've grown an changed. It really does not take that much time at all, and it is something you will treasure forever!
Do you keep a journal? What works for you?

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