Monday, May 27, 2013

Eggplant Parmesano / Natural Remedies for Labor Induction??

I have had several friends and some sources on the internet say that supposedly Eggplant Parmesan is supposed to help induce labor. Here I am, 4 days till due date still pregnant, so my awesome husband brought home an eggplant and made me this super delicious dish! It's worth a try, right?

I used the recipe found HERE 

I have never had Eggplant Parmesano, or eggplant at all for that matter so this was a new "adventure" for me. It was SOOOO good! So good, in fact, I told my husband it was the type of gourmet dish that would tempt me to become a vegetarian! I definitely recommend this dish and for you to check out this recipe over at The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

It's been about an hour since I indulged and I haven't gone into labor yet (ha!) but at least my tummy is full and happy :)

Happy Memorial Day, enjoy your holiday!

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