Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day Ideas 2011

This year for Mother's Day, I have the opportunity to teach about 65 children ages 4 to 11 at church. I decided to give a lesson / game with a crossword puzzle I came up with that I will put on the white board of names of Biblical mothers. Each question will give the names of the child or children in the scriptures and then a hint and a scripture reference to find the answer. Then I will show a picture of that mother and tell her story.
For example, (one of my favorite women in the Scriptures!): Esau and Jacob's mother. Hint: she had twin sons. Genesis 25:21-26. Answer: Rebekah

Then I am going to give each child a copy of this cute survey to fill out and give to their moms which I found here.

Then we are going to give each child these fun "M&M Mom & Me Moment" cards with little bags of M&M's to take home and play with their moms. A game AND chocolate, who doesnt love that?!
You can find this here.

And lastly, we are going to take the last 5 minutes of church to surprise all the ladies by going into their classroom singing a mother's day song and giving everyone a "mother's day hug." It will be so sweet, I can't wait!

Remember that free Mother's Day card I told you about here?
We got ours and it turned out so cute!
free envelope and front of card
inside of card

Did you get a free card? What are you doing for Mother's Day?
I hope you enjoy your Mother's Day by celebrating those special ladies in your life!

1 comment:

  1. Really cute ideas!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and your sweet comments about my "new" family room.


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